
יום שבת, 31 באוגוסט 2019

The Heart Understands

The Heart Understands  

The things that really matter
Are hidden from view...
Only the heart understands.

יום שישי, 30 באוגוסט 2019

05-Compass In The Midst of The Sea

Compass In The Midst of The Sea
Michael Laitman

A person with the point in the heart
Is like a ship in the ocean.
He does not know where to turn,
There are no landmarks.

Only when he connects
With the friends
It is like a compass,
That shows him in what direction
He should advance.

יום חמישי, 29 באוגוסט 2019

06-One Love

One Love

Through the wearing out of the hearts, 
Even of the strongest ones,
Each will bring out warmth
From the walls of his heart,

And the warmth will ignite
The sparks of love
Until a clothing of love Will form.

Then, both of them will be covered
Under one blanket, Meaning a single love Will surround and envelop the two of them,
As it is known that Dvekut [adhesion]
Unites two into one.

יום רביעי, 28 באוגוסט 2019

07-The Fire of Love

The Fire of Love

Each gift that he gives to his friend
Is like a bullet
That makes a hollow in the stone.
And although the first bullet Only scratches the stone,
When the second bullet hits the same place,
It already makes a notch,
And the third one makes a dent.
And through the bullets that he shoots repeatedly,
The dent becomes a hollow in his friend’s heart of stone,
Where all the presents gather.

And each gift becomes a spark of love
Until all the sparks of love accumulate
In the hollow of the stony heart
And become a flame.
The difference between a spark and a flame is
That where there is love,
There is open disclosure,
Meaning a disclosure to all the peoples
That the fire of love is burning in him.
And the fire of love
Burns all the transgressions one meets
Along the way.

יום שלישי, 27 באוגוסט 2019

09-Who Am I?

?Who Am I
Baal Hasulam

I feel and I know
That I take up space
In the world
And that I am solid
And warm
And that I think
And other such manifestations
Of the operations of my essence
But if you ask me
About my own essence
From which all these manifestations stem
.I do not know what to reply to you  

יום שני, 26 באוגוסט 2019

10-Freedom of Will

Freedom of Will

Baal Hasulam

I sit, I dress,
I speak, and I eat.

I do all these
Not because I want to sit that way,
or talk that way,
or dress that way,
or eat that way, But because others
Want me to sit,
Dress, talk, and eat
That way.

It all follows
The desire and fancy of society,
Not my own free will.

In most cases,
I do all these against my will.
For I would be a lot more comfortable
Behaving simply,
Without any burden.

But I am chained
With iron shackles,
In all my movements,
To the fancies and manners
of others,
Which make up the society.

So you tell me,
Where is my freedom of will?

יום ראשון, 25 באוגוסט 2019

12-To Be Free

To Be Free
Michael Laitman

We, in this world,
Have absolutely no freedom at all

Only when one comes out of this matter
And begins to feel the forces
That work on his nature
On our world

Then, by these forces
One already has a choice,
To guide his life
And be free.